13 lutego 2013

Picocon 2013 Gaming

Picocon już w ten weekend. Na krótko przed konwentem pojawił się program dla graczy:

Saturday 2pm-4pm: Cooperative Games. Getting the weekend started with manners and politeness and everyone being friends. Games include Pandemic, Space Cadets, Space Alert, Escape and Forbidden Island. Playing time 15 minutes - 2 hours.

Saturday 5pm-8pm: War Games. Substituting working together for violence. Longer games, including Eclipse, Game of Thrones, Chaos in the Old World and Shogun. Playing time 2hrs-(hopefully not)4hrs.

Sunday 10am-1:30pm: Bluffing Games: Start the second day with lies and slander. Games include Coup, Cockroach Poker, Avalon, Werewolf, Shadows over Camelot, and probably a dozen other games I've forgotten about.

Sunday 1:30pm-5pm: European Games: End with some strategy, deep thought and the like. Agricola, Puerto Rico, Lords of Waterdeep, Tzol'kin.

Ponoć mają być również sesje RPG, ale o tym pewnie dowiecie się przy wejściu.

Źródło: IC Wargames mailing list
Grafika: logo Picoconu

1 komentarz:

  1. Pandemic. Przegrywasz, przegrywasz, a radości co niemiara. ;)
